Welcome to Quiz Nations


How it works...

If you’ve been playing in the Quizzing World Cup, you’ll know how the format works.

Each match has two rounds, each following the same structure: team one goes first in round one, and team two goes first in round two. Each team is made up of four players, plus a reader / scorer (each team must provide one person for this).

Before the quiz starts

Shortly before the quiz match starts, your team will be sent two ‘Topics Sheets’ with the topics selections for the week, so you can discuss tactics before you enter the room.

How to play ...

Works in every situation...

The format works online using video conferencing software, and in live venues, or it can be played with a combination of players on and offline, so it’s perfect during the COVID pandemic.

The Details

About the Questions

To enable players around the world to compare themselves to each other, whilst also playing questions that refer specifically to your location, half the questions will be written by the expert setters at Quizzing.tv and the other half will be written by your excellent local setters.

About the League

The inaugural league started on Saturday 21 November with more planned. The league costs 4 Euros/team/week. We’ll be able to tell you how long the league will run for once all the teams are in. 



You will need to arrange your own Zoom room (or equivalent). If you have the free version, you can still play, but you will need to play one half and then change room as you only have 40 minutes at a time.

We’ve made the scoring as easy as possible. All you have to do is enter your scores into our very cool scoring system (ideally you should do this as you play because the system will tell you the scores as you go). The system updates every hour, so results appear very quickly.


The system displays:

– Fixtures

– Scores

– Question-by-question score break downs

– Teams and team members

– Individual players’ scores

Competition Starts soon...

Sign Up For The Next Available Season...